Friday, November 29, 2013 @ 4:23 PM 
I was going to write this post yesterday but I was so exhausted. I even hit my bed early last night.
I had two dinners yesterday. One was with my 2nd family. Aka the people I work with. They basically had an asian style thanksgiving dinner so of course it was yummy. Plus we watched a movie together. Then about couple hours after I had dinner with my family. The usual small dinner which I always enjoy. Unfortunately this year I couldn't go and visit other family because I had to work today. But it's okay.
I also tried Black "Thusday" shopping which was a total failure. We pretty much just have Walmart and Kmart so there really wasn't much. I actually got really bored and annoyed with it. I only ended up buying myself a pink hair dryer. Whoop! lol. It's okay, I just got a nice deal online shopping on F21. So I'm happy ;) I wanted to watch Red and Red 2 with my parents last night but I was so tired, I knew if we did I would have fallen asleep. So I just chilled on my computer until midnight. That was pretty much my day.
But now I just wanted to say what I am thankful for.
I am SO THANKFUL towards my parents. They have done so much for me and is always supporting me no matter what.
I am thankful to DeeDee. For being the best friend I could ask for. I don't really like using the word Best Friend anymore but she deserves it, really.
I am thankful to Aika. For just getting through "things" and just for being there when I need her. and Thankful that she puts up with my stupid obsessions lol.
I am thankful to my 2nd family. Especially Macy and Tony, my second parents and also my bosses lol. For always treating me like their own daughter. And just for everything they have done for me.
Thankful for music.
Thankful to my grandma. Even if she's across the ocean, I am just thankful to have her as my grandma. She's a tough lady and I miss her so much.
I am also thankful to my other family members and friends.
Also thankful to my "daughter" cat lol. I really am. Even if I do more for her, but she's always there when I'm sick and just keeps me company when I'm lonely or scared. For staying alive and with me for 16 years and going on more! haha.
I am also thankful for having a good car to drive, a job that pays off that good car and everything else I need, a roof over my house, that I don't starve, that I just have people who care about me. And I am thankful that all those that I care about are in good health. There's is just so much I am thankful for.
@ 4:06 PM 
i am SLIGHTLY disappointed with it. definitely not with the song or m.i.b themselves. 5Zic did a nice job on the song. It is definitely a trendy song, not really their usual type. But I do like it. The problem to me lies in the feature choice. I personally think they didn't need to add female vocals into the song. I think KangNam could have done it fine by himself. Or they could have chosen some one so much better. I get why Jungle might have put Bomi from A Pink into they song. They want M.I.B to have more publicity. So why not put a popular girl group member into the song? Okay, that's fine. Though I think M.I.B is fine the way they are. Even if they are underrated, I do think they appreciate what they have. I actually didn't mind Bomi because I thought she was funny during the idol championships with her gorilla thing. That's all I knew about her though. I never listened to A Pink. I did hear them once live, but I was not liking it at all lol. Idk if it's just me, but she looks way different now. And when I heard her sing live with M.I.B, I was really disappointed. She can sing a note, but that's it. Nothing special. Usually when M.I.B does have female vocal features, they're usually really good. Tasha for an example. If you're going to put a feature in such a great group like MIB then put in someone who is just as good as them. I could pick out a few good females that are popular they could have used instead. Bang Minah from Girl's Day, Ga In or any of the other BEG members. If they really want publicity, then I think they could have done better. Though I know how much SIMS loves A Pink, I just really hope this helps them in the end cuz it's what they ended up with.
I just kind of want the hip hop track now instead ): Gotta wait until Sunday lol. I want the MV too which is also Sunday. I need me some Cream screen time ;~;
Tuesday, November 26, 2013 @ 8:44 PM 
apparently he's a pro at making pasta. the members said it is so amazing that he needs to open up a restaurant and call it Cream Pasta. Though.... idk if they are exaggerating and if he just thinks he's so good lol cuz it's Cream but I better not be fooled. Pasta is my favorite food and if a guy can make it perfectly, man I think they'd win my heart. I love this guy.
Thursday, November 21, 2013 @ 8:31 PM 
Joon doing rape scenes has made many fans upset with him. Because they are against rape and think he shouldn't be doing roles like that. I am also HIGHLY against rape. I mean if you aren't, then you must be insane tbh. I am 100000% sure Joon is against it too. But I wish people would understand that he's an artist and an actor. As an actor, you should be able to do any role given. It's the same with modeling. You may be against going nude or wearing lingerie, but you are going to have to do it eventually. It's not like it's to purposely put a bad name on yourself. It's art, and if you don't like it then don't even get into the business. That's the only way you are going to get more jobs if you open yourself up more. I wasn't pleased with those scenes because they were rape, but I am no way disappointed in him. It's his life and his job. Kim Ki Duk wrote that movie like that for it to turn out good. And like I previously said, Joon has just raised the bar doing that role. I don't look at him any differently. I still see him as a good person and a goofy guy. Acting is acting. It's not like he was really raping them. Acting is something you put your heart into to make a movie good and Joon did a good job at that. I feel like fans need to open their minds up a bit more. It's like they know nothing about the business and put labels and so many things. If you really didn't like it, then don't watch it. Simple.
@ 7:56 PM 
I have completely given up on Heirs. I stopped at episode 6 I think and haven't gone back to catch up. HyungShik's character seems so funny in it and cute but that's all there is to this drama for me. Everything else I am so over. I don't even care anymore.
I was actually kind of hoping to watch Pretty Man starring Jang Geun Suk, with me being a JGS fan. He use to be my favorite actor before SooHyun but now he's second though. and Han Chae Young is in it, which is actually my favorite korean actress. BUT anyways, the plot sounded ridiculous but I learned not to judge things by plots. I also found out today that Hoon (u-kiss) is in it. He plays IU's brother which is another reason I should watch it. So I decided to check out just Hoon's cuts and..... what did I just watch lol. I love Hoon and he seems so funny in it but his role seems so pointless and makes no sense. It's like they just put him in there for the sake of it. And IU, girl can not do comedy roles. I'm sorry to put it harsh, she sucks. Trying way too hard and it makes it even harder to watch. Lee Soo Shin was okay but this is just a no. She should stick to serious roles. I respect JGS as an actor, but lately his dramas have been so bleh. Why can't he do a role like Hong Gil Dong again? Or Beethoven Virus. His movies were so good also. ): such a shame, I might push this drama aside as well. Kdramas need to go back to their roots. They have run out of so many ideas. All they do now is take a base story and just spice it up. For me, the good love cliche dramas were Delightful Girl ChoonHyang, Full House, I'm Sorry I Love You & Princess Hours. Those are just such good dramas. It's my teenage memories! God I love them. I actually want to rewatch them for good old sake. Delightful Girl is actually my first drama ever and I will never regret it!
Anywho, one drama this year I know I am anticipating for sure is Man From The Stars. I don't know about you guys but Kim Soo Hyun is one actor that no matter the drama or role, he makes it so good! Not trying to be biased because he my favorite but I have never once been disappointed with his works. His movie he just did was SO GOOD. Aside from Fast 6, it is my favorite movie that came out this year. My mom absolutely loved it and she loves him as well. She won't stop saying on how much she is anticipating this drama. Plus Jeon Ji Hyun is the main actress who I quite actually like. They played in The Thieves together so it's kind of nice to see them together again. It airs when Heirs is done.... SO I CAN'T WAIT TIL THAT'S OVER lol.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013 @ 11:20 PM 
this is one of the things made me like them even more. especially with MIB가 나가신다. they are no joke. why are they so underrated? sigh. i don't have enough of these guys!
okay Cream's voice is not for singing though, they obviously did alot of auto tuning in the studio version because he sounded good in that. I don't understand why he or they gave him a singing part instead of rapping other than trying something different. I know for a fact he's not confident in his singing., he's said it plenty of times. That's why he's a rapper for a reason. If this was the first song I heard, I would have thought he was just one of those guys who were only in the group for looks lol. Song did him no justice ): I'm glad Nod Along was the only song he sang cuz his charm is his rapping. that voice and flow ;~; 5zic & SIMS too though. KangNam doesn't have a powerful voice but he doesn't need it. His smooth RnB voice is perfect for M.I.B.
Monday, November 18, 2013 @ 8:12 PM 
Overall I give this movie an 8 out of 10. I wish I could give it a 10 out of 10 because Joon did an amazing job. It had a good deep story to it. But the ending was so confusing. Maybe I was missing something but it was part of the story I just did not get at all. I get that he was trying to make himself a better person and be better at the business in the end, but the street scene just confused me as hell. Plus it wasn't an action movie.... so it really wasn't a type of movie I would normally watch. I know I'm biased with my action but we all got our own taste. But other than those two things, the movie was great. It was deep and dark. Joon's character was so messed up. I think fame got to him and made him get into a mess. Bad attitude. Whenever his character got drunk, he would basically rape women and probably not remember it. More of forcing them but not in a physical hurt way. Just yeah. They would keep saying no, but because they were drunk too they would just take it. And one was a minor. He would also meet the wrong people in the business and get himself in danger at times. I think it just shows the ugly side of the business and Kim Ki Duk did an amazing job writing it. Now Joon, WOW. I mean I had high expectations of him to begin with. The trailer itself showed you how well he was going to do. I really respect his work and I think Kim Ki Duk picked the right person for the role. I am so proud of him and I hope this opens more opportunity doors for him. I give him so much plus for raising the bar as an idol actor. I don't even think I can consider him as an idol actor anymore. He did too well. DeeDee said she is so creeped out by how well he did. I am not just praising him because he be my husband. He deserves so much for that role.
I am just not impressed with how people are treating him and the movie. i am actually quite disgusted with fans. I feel so bad for Joon. He was getting bashed for it and everything because of how he did the scenes. BUT Kim Ki Duk wrote it that way for a reason. It was suppose to be awkward because he was technically raping them. He was a psychotic person. But whatever, I give Joon's acting 100 out of 10. Not exaggerating.
@ 6:43 PM 
  • 1. Your favorite group(s)?
    ZE:A & MBLAQ.
  • 2. Your bias?
    LeeJoon & Siwan.
  • 3. Your favorite song? atm; Do U Like Me - Cream
    all time; Aftermath - ZE:A
  • 4. Do you ship? So yeah, which pairing(s)?
    JoonDung, SiKwang & NamSong.
  • 5. Which idol is closest to your ideal type? Mino or Cream. Siwan too though.
  • 6. How long have you liked K-pop?
    8 years.
  • 7. Favorite boyband?
    ZE:A & MBLAQ.
  • 8. Favorite girlgroup?
  • 9. SMtown or YG entertainment?
  • 10. How many k-pop songs do you have on your ipod/playlist?
    alot lol.
  • 11. Name 3 of your favorite songs sung by girlgroups.
    I Am The Best (2NE1), I Feel Good (EXID), Go Away (2NE1). all time favs.
  • 12. Name 3 of your favorite songs sung by boybands.
    Aftermath (ZE:A), This Is War (MBLAQ), ER (DMTN). all time favs.
  • 13. Are you taller or shorter than your bias?
    shorter. it would be a problem if they were shorter than 155cm!
  • 14. What's your favorite lyric?
    atm; 'black suit, black shoes, black tie, black watch, black sunglass, black car.' idk why....
  • 16. How many albums do you own?
  • 17. Hottest idol? Prettiest idol?
    Hottest? oh wow, i don't really call any of them hot. they are more "handsome", "pretty boy" or "cute". so handsome, Joon.
    Prettiest? Ga In.
  • 18. Eldest or maknae?
    i usually seem to like the middle ones.
  • 19. Whose birthday is close to yours?
    Jay Park.
  • 20. Do you watch k-drama? So yes, which one is your favorite?
    yes, not as much as I use to though. IRIS all the way.
Saturday, November 16, 2013 @ 5:05 PM 
they definitely give Tiger JK justice. I remember hearing about them last year because Mino tweeted their mv and told his fans to support them because he is friends with SIMS. And I watched the MV, which was Only Hard For Me, I believe. And it was okay.... back then. All I could remember was "Wow this orange hair guy looks like a girl...." (referring to Kangnam XD) Didn't really pay much attention and when Dash came out, I saw it on tumblr and I remember them so I decided to give it a listen. I thought it wasn't too bad and so I kept listening to it. Then I just started really liking the song. And recently I decided to listen to more of their songs. Most of them I like. Not so much the first album. I only liked their solo songs.... Well Cream's & 5Zic's. And then I heard their live radio performances and WOW. I am impressed on how well they do. I watched some of their shows and I am very in like with them. I really respect them as a hip hop group. They talk about hardships they go through because they are really underrated, but they have so much going for them. I am disappointed with how little attention they get, because as artists they are very good. It's hard for me to consider them as "idols" because to me they seem more as artists. I actually like how they still do underground gigs. But it seems the public wants them as "idols". I like the fact that they can't / don't do aegyo. And can't dance really well. It makes them differ from typical groups. They don't try too hard and they have more of a laid back personality. I think their weird coolness is their charm. It was kind of cruel to compare them to a typical boyband, Boyfriend. Who, I may add, is rude. I don't know anything about them but for them to call 5Zic a giraffe without knowing him was plain rude. Not even funny.

but yes, YoungCream. He is amazing...and weird and I like it. I'm so into him, and yes this is my favorite photos of him. haha. okay that is all.
Friday, November 8, 2013 @ 4:39 PM 
tonight is the finale. I am surprised that I don't mind this cycle. Boys & Girls. I thought I wasn't going to like it, but I kind of see what Tyra is trying to get at.
The final 3 is disappointing though, well 2 of them. Marvin, Cory and Jourdan. I only want Cory to be there, so I obviously want him to win this. I wanted a girl to win, but I just despise Jourdan. She's pretty and that's IT. She thinks she's better than everyone else and she's always complaining about her past. So I am leaving it up to Cory. he better sweep this competition under his feet!
Now who I think should be final 3 and were still part of the top 5 is Cory, Nina & Chris. If this was the other day, I wouldn't be saying Chris. Because his personality was ugly when it started getting into the middle of the competition. At first, I just thought he was misunderstood and I still do think he iis. But then later he was just so mean. But then someone wrote this comment and it opened my eyes. I realized that since almost everyone was ganging on him and all the drama in the house got to him. I feel like they made him that way.  The only two people who I think were genuinely upset with him were Nina and Cory. Nina being the only person who befriended him and was there for him. He kind of ignored her for a while, but then again she did put that upon herself in a way. And Cory was truly upset of the fact that Chris did that to Nina. Yeah it's none of his business but someone had to tell Chris. But then there was hypocrite Jourdan always complained that Chris just needed to let go of his past and move on. But every chance she gets, she LOVES to bring up her abusive past relationship. Seriously. But besides all that, I always saw Chris as a person who had modelesque features. I look at him and I see a strong male model. But when he did his shoots on ANTM, nothing was coming out. His mind kept getting in the way. And I thought, oh what a waste he could do so much with his face and he doesn't. So I thought maybe he really didn't have it in him, which was disappointing. And now that ANTM is done, his photos are STUNNING. Like top model material. I am just in awe of his new photos. And now I am disappointed in him because he didn't show any of this in ANTM. And if he did, He probably could have possibly won. And if he would have took photos like that all through out the competition, I would have rooted for him. I am just disappointed. But I now wish the best for him. Now I know he can take fierce photos, I hope his career goes high.
So now it's all up to Cory. He's gay, he does drag and I love it. He was the only one who never caused drama nor ever got inbetween it. Only once which his intentions were right. But he stayed true to himself and never let ANYONE get in his way. He's unique and yeah he struggled with the judges saying he's too "feminine" in his photos but he didn't care and still embraced it. He had some FIERCE photos as he would say and I think he has what it takes. I'm all Team Cory <3
@ 4:17 PM 
It's bad that I am trying very hard to actually really like this drama. Right now it's a drama I tolerate only because HyungShik is in it. I think it's because I have watched so many dramas in the passed 8 years that dramas like this now are some what boring and really cliche. Poor girl meets rich guy who is engaged. It's a story that's used so much now. Always different twist but still the same concept. Just like my boss said, it's another Boys Over Flowers. And honestly BOF is way better. I don't know if it's because I am getting older, but I am just so over with plots like this. That's why my favorite dramas are IRIS & Shark. IRIS being an action drama (my cup of tea) and having a good love story in it. Shark being more focused on morals in life and revenge rather than true love. Both with AMAZING male leads. Lee Byung Hun (IRIS), JangHyuk (IRIS 2) and Kim Nam Gil (Shark). Heirs, I like all the male actors. Well most of them. Lee Minho, Choi Jin Wook, Kim Woo Bin, HyungShik & MinHyuk. But the plot... and I am not the hugest fan of Park Shin Hye's acting. And Choi Jin Wook's role frustrates me! He is so mean when in his other drama i watched, It's Okay Daddy's Girl, he was so sweet. frustrating.
Another thing is, HyungShik. I love my HyungShik and I do like the fact that this character is quite close to his real personality. Not quite but pretty close. But this drama does NO JUSTICE to his acting. This role is so disappointing because his previous roles were just "WOW". Especially in Sirius. He played twins, the teen version and i was shocked. Shocked at how well he did. Because the role was NOTHING like his real personality. You couldn't tell he was a "rookie" or an "idol actor". He was as good as the main character, who played the older version of the twins, Seo Joon Young. He is also an actor i love. Anywho, HyungShik also did very well in Nine. As I watch Heirs, I just think his character is cute and funny which makes it enjoyable. But acting wise, not too happy. I also wanted to watch because of WooBin. But I have come to realize nothing beats his role as Kang Mireu in White Christmas. I wish he would do roles more like that rather than the ones he has been doing. He's a great model turned actor though. I do give him that and I enjoy watching all White Christmas cast grow and blossom. When I watched the drama, they were complete rookies. For some of them, it was their very first drama or even first role. And when I watched it, I was surprised that these rookies did so well. But yeah, getting back to the topic. I just don't know about this drama. I even push it off to watch it. I actually haven't even watched last week's episodes...... that's how much I procrastinate on it. Sigh.
Thursday, November 7, 2013 @ 10:22 PM 
1 : First ever kpop group; Super Junior, Shinhwa & S.N.A
2 : Kpop group that made you keep on listening to kpop: actually it was RAIN.
3 : Favorite Boy Group: MBLAQ & ZE:A.
4 : Favorite Girl Group: 2NE1
5 : Favorite solo artist: Outsider & San E
6 : Top 5 Guy biases: oh snap.... LeeJoon, SiWan, HyukSoo, Mino, HyungShik and Junhyung. (sh it's 5...)
7 : Top 5 Girl biases: CL, LE, Bang Mina, Ga In & i think that's it.
8 : Top 10 Songs: Aftermath by ZE:A, Fiction by Beast, It's War by MBLAQ, Go Up by WINNER, This Love by SHINHWA, Haru Haru by Big Bang, Tears of a Pierrot by Outsider, Rap Genius by San E, E.R by DMTN, Stealer by Kang Seung Yoon. that was hard.
9 : Top 5 most played songs on itunes.: atm; Stealer - KSY, Go Up - WINNER, Oh - MINO, Men In Black - MIB & Just Another Boy - WINNER.
10 : Every artist/group you listen to:
group - MBLAQ, ZE:A, WINNER, Big Bang, Beast, CN Blue, DMTN, U-Kiss, JYJ, SHINHWA, M.I.B, FT Island, Epik High, SG Wannabe. 2NE1, EXID, B.E.G.
solo - Outsider, San E, Oh Won Bin, K.Will, Jay Park, Rain, Lexy, TaeGoon.
11 : #1 Bias in each group:
MBLAQ - Joon
ZE:A - Siwan(1) & HyungShik(2)
Big Bang - GD [tho i don't consider him my bias anymore.]
Beast - Junhyung.
CN Blue - JungShin
DMTN - Daniel
U-Kiss - Hoon
JYJ - JaeJoong
SHINHWA - Minwoo
M.I.B - o_o i don't really have one but if i had to choose, i guess Cream.
FTI - Wonbin
Epik High - DJ Tukutz
SG Wannabe - Kim Jin Ho.
12 : Top MalexMale OTP: SiKwang (Siwan + Kwanghee) & JoonDung (Joon + Thunder)
13 : Top FemalexFemale OTP: Bomrin
14 : Top MalexFemale OTP: LE & JunHyung.
15 : How many albums you own: many.
16 : How many official posters you own: many.
17 : Idol you look up to: to cut my list short; GD, CL, LE, Joon & Mino.
18 : Group I look up to: Big Bang.
19 : A group that you would spend every single penny on: probably ZE:A. they deserve it.
20 : How many concerts you've been to: 6.
21 : How many fan-signings i've been to: 1
22 : Best Dance group/solo: group; Beast / solo; Jay Park or Rain.
24 : Best Vocalist: Kim Jin Ho & Kevin (ZE:A)
25 : Group you consider family: um....MBLAQ?
26 : Group that you will be with no matter what: MBLAQ & ZE:A
27 : Why do you listen to _______ .
28 : Favorite album from your #1 Group/Artist: MBLAQ = BLAQ % / ZE:A = Spectacular.
29 : Favorite era: i have so many i can't think rn... maybe DMTN's Safety Zone?
30 : Unpopular opinion: i don't think dbsk will be 5 again.
31 : Top 5 Boy Groups: MBLAQ, ZE:A, WINNER, Big Bang & Beast.
32 : Top 5 Girl Groups: 2NE1, EXID & B.E.G