Friday, November 29, 2013 @ 4:23 PM 
I was going to write this post yesterday but I was so exhausted. I even hit my bed early last night.
I had two dinners yesterday. One was with my 2nd family. Aka the people I work with. They basically had an asian style thanksgiving dinner so of course it was yummy. Plus we watched a movie together. Then about couple hours after I had dinner with my family. The usual small dinner which I always enjoy. Unfortunately this year I couldn't go and visit other family because I had to work today. But it's okay.
I also tried Black "Thusday" shopping which was a total failure. We pretty much just have Walmart and Kmart so there really wasn't much. I actually got really bored and annoyed with it. I only ended up buying myself a pink hair dryer. Whoop! lol. It's okay, I just got a nice deal online shopping on F21. So I'm happy ;) I wanted to watch Red and Red 2 with my parents last night but I was so tired, I knew if we did I would have fallen asleep. So I just chilled on my computer until midnight. That was pretty much my day.
But now I just wanted to say what I am thankful for.
I am SO THANKFUL towards my parents. They have done so much for me and is always supporting me no matter what.
I am thankful to DeeDee. For being the best friend I could ask for. I don't really like using the word Best Friend anymore but she deserves it, really.
I am thankful to Aika. For just getting through "things" and just for being there when I need her. and Thankful that she puts up with my stupid obsessions lol.
I am thankful to my 2nd family. Especially Macy and Tony, my second parents and also my bosses lol. For always treating me like their own daughter. And just for everything they have done for me.
Thankful for music.
Thankful to my grandma. Even if she's across the ocean, I am just thankful to have her as my grandma. She's a tough lady and I miss her so much.
I am also thankful to my other family members and friends.
Also thankful to my "daughter" cat lol. I really am. Even if I do more for her, but she's always there when I'm sick and just keeps me company when I'm lonely or scared. For staying alive and with me for 16 years and going on more! haha.
I am also thankful for having a good car to drive, a job that pays off that good car and everything else I need, a roof over my house, that I don't starve, that I just have people who care about me. And I am thankful that all those that I care about are in good health. There's is just so much I am thankful for.