Friday, November 8, 2013 @ 4:39 PM
tonight is the finale. I am surprised that I don't mind this cycle. Boys & Girls. I thought I wasn't going to like it, but I kind of see what Tyra is trying to get at.
The final 3 is disappointing though, well 2 of them. Marvin, Cory and Jourdan. I only want Cory to be there, so I obviously want him to win this. I wanted a girl to win, but I just despise Jourdan. She's pretty and that's IT. She thinks she's better than everyone else and she's always complaining about her past. So I am leaving it up to Cory. he better sweep this competition under his feet!
Now who I think should be final 3 and were still part of the top 5 is Cory, Nina & Chris. If this was the other day, I wouldn't be saying Chris. Because his personality was ugly when it started getting into the middle of the competition. At first, I just thought he was misunderstood and I still do think he iis. But then later he was just so mean. But then someone wrote this comment and it opened my eyes. I realized that since almost everyone was ganging on him and all the drama in the house got to him. I feel like they made him that way. The only two people who I think were genuinely upset with him were Nina and Cory. Nina being the only person who befriended him and was there for him. He kind of ignored her for a while, but then again she did put that upon herself in a way. And Cory was truly upset of the fact that Chris did that to Nina. Yeah it's none of his business but someone had to tell Chris. But then there was hypocrite Jourdan always complained that Chris just needed to let go of his past and move on. But every chance she gets, she LOVES to bring up her abusive past relationship. Seriously. But besides all that, I always saw Chris as a person who had modelesque features. I look at him and I see a strong male model. But when he did his shoots on ANTM, nothing was coming out. His mind kept getting in the way. And I thought, oh what a waste he could do so much with his face and he doesn't. So I thought maybe he really didn't have it in him, which was disappointing. And now that ANTM is done, his photos are STUNNING. Like top model material. I am just in awe of his new photos. And now I am disappointed in him because he didn't show any of this in ANTM. And if he did, He probably could have possibly won. And if he would have took photos like that all through out the competition, I would have rooted for him. I am just disappointed. But I now wish the best for him. Now I know he can take fierce photos, I hope his career goes high.
So now it's all up to Cory. He's gay, he does drag and I love it. He was the only one who never caused drama nor ever got inbetween it. Only once which his intentions were right. But he stayed true to himself and never let ANYONE get in his way. He's unique and yeah he struggled with the judges saying he's too "feminine" in his photos but he didn't care and still embraced it. He had some FIERCE photos as he would say and I think he has what it takes. I'm all Team Cory <3