Thursday, September 27, 2012 @ 10:48 AM 
그냥... 좀짜증나.
근데...형식이 & 케빈오빠.... 고맙다. 정말고맙다. because of your two beautiful voices...지금은 좀 괜찮아.
@ 5:37 AM 
so my grandma doesn't find koreans handsome that much. there are a few bunch that she does. she thinks americans are handsome (but most koreans i guess are like that. especially the older generation.)
anyways when i was on my stand by marathon for days, she was watching with us. and one day she's all "he's not too bad looking. he's handsome!" and she pointed to SiWan. and she was like "the others aren't handsome but he is." XD and now everytime she sees him she says that. she was watching ZE:A performing with me and out of all members she points to SiWan and goes "he's handsome." though she doesn't remember who he is haha. cuz i even showed a picture of him and she kept saying he's handsome. i like it :D not sure what she thinks of joon other than she thinks he's my friend o.o i don't know where she got that idea lol. cuz i was telling her he's the guy i like the most & i think she took it as he's my friend? XD he was even on this other show and she was like "oh isn't that your friend?" OTL.
well atleast siwan has my grandma's approval XD
Tuesday, September 25, 2012 @ 10:18 AM 
the drama itself was pretty good. i think i only stuck to it because i liked M2 Junior & WooHyun.
they picked interesting characters for M2 Junior. every member was cute in their own way. it was really hard choosing my favorite member. like i thought it would be kevin, but i think i like tagoon's character the most.
YooHwan (WooHyun) is a good actor. he's catching up to his hyung. :)
Go Eun Ah did a good job as playing a boy. better than Park Shin Hye & Sulli in my opinion. She actually acted like a dude. the whole time watching it, i only thought of her a a guy. the only problem lied was her voice when she sang and rap. but all dramas lack that when they have girls pretend to be guys. In You're Beautiful, ShinHye's voice was SO OBVIOUS. yet the 3 guys noticed nothing weird. Same with Sulli when she sang in To The Beautiful You. I guess Go Eun Ah's wasn't that bad compared to theirs. the thing they could of done was just use Mir's voice. since they used someone else's voice for YooHwan (WooHyun). i know that was not his voice lol. so i don't understand why they just didn't do that for her too.
i didn't understand why Team Leader Han did what she did when she should have known she'd get caught and she just leaves after struggling so much to "help" WooHyun. i thought she was SUPER selfish because she never once thought about how he felt. she just assumed.
Oh In Young was the worst b*tch ever. as in she was too good at her role. like i feel like disliking Kim Eun Jung now because she was too good lol.
idk, those two characters pissed me off the most and confused me to the max.

i guess i'm in between with this drama. I loved it but at the same time i didn't. maybe because the ending SUCKED? another drama that just got ruined because of the ending. so many un answered questions. what happened to M2? How did the fans react to SeungYeon being a girl? Is WooHyun doing solo? What's going to happen with M2 Junior? Did Team Leader Han leave? ALKSJALKSJ I AM SO PISSED.
i know what happened here i think.. since it was originally supoose to be 16, they made it to 14. reason being is probably because of low ratings. this happened to Vampire Idol. they got low ratings and they didn't have enough money really & didn't see a point in going on further so they cut it short. (Vampire Idol ended at ep 79 when it was originally suppose to be 120). which is what i think happened here.
I miss this drama already. it actually makes me wish that M2 Junior was real... Kevin can be in both groups... XD nah he belongs in ZE:A <3 but still i wish it was real.
Friday, September 14, 2012 @ 10:47 AM 
alot of people are hatin though because he's saying "swag" and stuff. but who cares, he's kwon ji yong. anyways, that's besides the point. i love the beat and everything. i don't think i should be allowed to listen to this when i'm riding the subway though cuz i might bust out dancing and singing.
i love the other songs too. they're really beautiful and fun. but i think i like Crayon & One Of A Kind the most. idk i love GD's rap songs the most for some reason. it gets my day going and makes me feel better. just listening to One Of A Kind makes me feel better about myself o_o i don't know why it makes me feel like that but it does.
anywho... i should sleep. it's 3am, and i've been listening to the song for about a good hour maybe. and i was planning to sleep an hour ago haha. this song is addictive, but it's okay! i can listen to it tomorrow... BUT ONE MORE TIME BEFORE I SLEEP.
Thursday, September 13, 2012 @ 10:46 AM 
so i'm trying to catch up... i'm on ep 14 now & there's 101 episodes out OTL. but yeah me and my mom just watched like 5 episodes now. It's growing on me alot more. I love it. I love my second husband <3. SiWan's character is the best. He's thoughtful but yet doesn't let people push him over. But i pity him so much because he has such bad luck sometimes and the situation he has. But gawd, I do not like YeWon lol. she's so annoying. she's like shoving her "like" towards SiWan down his throat. And even when he rejects over and over, she keeps pestering him about it. It's quite annoying tbh. SoMin, who i actually disliked and thought I never even like... I prefer her now way over YeWon. atleast SoMin cares for SiWan in a good way. But....I saw some of the new episodes and SoMin is starting to like KiWoo so it's okay. You know what? SiWan should just go with GyungPyo ㅋㅋㅋ his first kiss. omg i love how GyungPyo is afraid of him but at the same time he thinks he likes SiWan. so funny and cute. SiWan even wavers men's hearts XD
Stand By & To The Beautiful You are my favorite dramas at the moment. my addictions haha.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 @ 9:18 PM 
i read an article before the show even aired on how Joon is going to reveal his hardships and as i read the article i was thinking to myself "i know i'm going to cry watching this." so i waited and he was the last person to share his story... and as soon as he started going about it, it hit me. i got a bit teary eyed, and i hurried and wiped them away because i didn't want my mom to see my crying over it, but as he got deeper into the story on how he was so poor and people made fun of him for it, i cried more...more than i thought i would. and i couldn't hold it in and hide it. it really hurt me that he had to go through shit like that. but at the same time i'm proud of him. because my mom was like "what's wrong? is joon making you cry?" and when she said that, i cried more orz. i'm really sensitive over other people's feelings which is why i cry easily with dramas and movies. but especially when it's someone i care deeply about. for him to be "nothing" and work his everything off to turn into something, is just amazing, wonderful, inspiring. and i am proud of him for opening up to everyone about this. it just makes him a more better person than he already is. and it also pisses me off on how people underestimate him as a person and as a member of mblaq.
he's perfect. like just too perfect.
@ 6:08 AM 
one of the most frustrating and annoying thing being here is my mom and grandma always arguing.
my dad even said before we left "make sure they don't argue & fight." cuz me and my dad know them well. but my mom was all "oh we don't argue." HAH she's such a bad liar. so when we come here, that's like all they do over the smallest things. like i understand that my grandma likes to go on and complain about things but she's old and can't help it really. and my mom doesn't take that in mind and makes it worse and just yells back at her. yelling doesn't help AT ALL. it just starts everything all over again. and i have to get in between them and tell them to stop. sometimes they listen but sometimes my mom will yell at me instead. "SHE KEEPS REPEATING THE COMPLAIN TO ME!" and i am all O____O you don't have to yell at me.
it's kind of not fair to my grandma too because the blame IS ALWAYS put on her. my uncle will come and yell at my grandma and honestly it's my mom's fault too for making it worse. so i just i always tell them to stop and forget it because it's honestly irritating to listen to for a period. but my mom will then put her anger towards me and ends up yelling at me and telling me to shut up or be like "it's her fault." just like a child. omg i don't care, just please stop. there's no need for yelling at me. when i just want it to stop. i swear no matter what, they will always do it. i'm so irritated right now. why do they have to act like this.