Tuesday, September 25, 2012 @ 10:18 AM 
the drama itself was pretty good. i think i only stuck to it because i liked M2 Junior & WooHyun.
they picked interesting characters for M2 Junior. every member was cute in their own way. it was really hard choosing my favorite member. like i thought it would be kevin, but i think i like tagoon's character the most.
YooHwan (WooHyun) is a good actor. he's catching up to his hyung. :)
Go Eun Ah did a good job as playing a boy. better than Park Shin Hye & Sulli in my opinion. She actually acted like a dude. the whole time watching it, i only thought of her a a guy. the only problem lied was her voice when she sang and rap. but all dramas lack that when they have girls pretend to be guys. In You're Beautiful, ShinHye's voice was SO OBVIOUS. yet the 3 guys noticed nothing weird. Same with Sulli when she sang in To The Beautiful You. I guess Go Eun Ah's wasn't that bad compared to theirs. the thing they could of done was just use Mir's voice. since they used someone else's voice for YooHwan (WooHyun). i know that was not his voice lol. so i don't understand why they just didn't do that for her too.
i didn't understand why Team Leader Han did what she did when she should have known she'd get caught and she just leaves after struggling so much to "help" WooHyun. i thought she was SUPER selfish because she never once thought about how he felt. she just assumed.
Oh In Young was the worst b*tch ever. as in she was too good at her role. like i feel like disliking Kim Eun Jung now because she was too good lol.
idk, those two characters pissed me off the most and confused me to the max.

i guess i'm in between with this drama. I loved it but at the same time i didn't. maybe because the ending SUCKED? another drama that just got ruined because of the ending. so many un answered questions. what happened to M2? How did the fans react to SeungYeon being a girl? Is WooHyun doing solo? What's going to happen with M2 Junior? Did Team Leader Han leave? ALKSJALKSJ I AM SO PISSED.
i know what happened here i think.. since it was originally supoose to be 16, they made it to 14. reason being is probably because of low ratings. this happened to Vampire Idol. they got low ratings and they didn't have enough money really & didn't see a point in going on further so they cut it short. (Vampire Idol ended at ep 79 when it was originally suppose to be 120). which is what i think happened here.
I miss this drama already. it actually makes me wish that M2 Junior was real... Kevin can be in both groups... XD nah he belongs in ZE:A <3 but still i wish it was real.