Tuesday, September 11, 2012 @ 6:08 AM 
one of the most frustrating and annoying thing being here is my mom and grandma always arguing.
my dad even said before we left "make sure they don't argue & fight." cuz me and my dad know them well. but my mom was all "oh we don't argue." HAH she's such a bad liar. so when we come here, that's like all they do over the smallest things. like i understand that my grandma likes to go on and complain about things but she's old and can't help it really. and my mom doesn't take that in mind and makes it worse and just yells back at her. yelling doesn't help AT ALL. it just starts everything all over again. and i have to get in between them and tell them to stop. sometimes they listen but sometimes my mom will yell at me instead. "SHE KEEPS REPEATING THE COMPLAIN TO ME!" and i am all O____O you don't have to yell at me.
it's kind of not fair to my grandma too because the blame IS ALWAYS put on her. my uncle will come and yell at my grandma and honestly it's my mom's fault too for making it worse. so i just i always tell them to stop and forget it because it's honestly irritating to listen to for a period. but my mom will then put her anger towards me and ends up yelling at me and telling me to shut up or be like "it's her fault." just like a child. omg i don't care, just please stop. there's no need for yelling at me. when i just want it to stop. i swear no matter what, they will always do it. i'm so irritated right now. why do they have to act like this.