Sunday, October 21, 2012 @ 6:16 AM 
where people are getting the whole idea that Leon is a "dick". it's really getting old.
how is he a dick when all he ever did was try to save everyone he could. when he would go out of his mission and his way to save ANYONE. his partners will be all "we don't have time to save them." and he's like "i'll make time." D: he saved ashley, who was so annoying. always yelling at him and never did he complain, not once. just because he has his smartass one liner remarks doesn't mean anything. i find them entertaining actually lol.  i just don't get it. i've really come to like Leon because he's a great character. he really cares for those he knows and loves. even people he just met. he was annoying in RE2 though with his complaints... lol but he was young and naive then (that was 14 years ago :o). he really grew into a great character. i think people are just really biased or something. cuz i just don't see where they got this idea from.