Wednesday, October 17, 2012 @ 9:04 AM 
alright my future bf has to like chilling around and playing video games with me. not TOO much into games, but just as much as me. mostly tomb raider and resident evil...
i don't know if i want joon playing resident evil with me though... i have a feeling he will get scared, and then it will freak me out. i can play fine with some one as long as they aren't scared. but if they're just as scared as me or more, then i'm going to end up freaking out too. i learned that the hard way when i played with deedee. since i know what's going to happen most of the time in RE5 (by playing alot with my sis aka her mom), i'm not that scared because i'm prepared but deedee, who doesn't play often, would be like "OMG OMG THERE IS LICKERS. OMG I HEAR THEM. YOU GO FIRST." so i did and she screamed as soon as i went around the corner which scared me XD and then one time, there's this one hallway where i told her she CAN NOT RUN. no matter what, we absolutely can not run nor fire our gun. and what does she do? SHE RUNS and the lickers came bursting through the windows which scared the crap out of me as well. aish. if joon acts like that, we ain't playing :| if his best friend kwanghee can play the game, then so can he. or kwanghee should like prep him up cuz i know kwanghee's a RE5 lover too.
but yes, this is a must for future bf. i'm going to test them if they can or not. if they don't pass then idk... if it's joon and he can''s okay. i'll just prep him XD