Friday, October 19, 2012 @ 8:23 AM 
i'm going to be straight up honest, they've changed. not necessarily bad change. but i miss their old songs so much. After Love will always be my favorite FT Island song along with Love Sick & Until You Return. all painful love songs with strong melody. i kind of miss that hint of pain in Hongki's voice when he sang these songs. i'm not saying their new songs & albums are bad. because i obviously loove their new album. great songs. but i'm just simply saying i miss their old stuff. their roots. where they started. i know groups grow up and learn new things within the music world, but i kind of wish ft island kept their pain through out each album. i've been with them since the beginning... and i saw my self slowly drifting away when their music changed. they use to be my favorite group! (along with big bang). i use to be obsessed with them and their music. but now, i'm just like on the side following.  i think i even love their brother band, CN Blue, more. well their music that is. i hope they do go back to their roots...soon.