Sunday, October 14, 2012 @ 9:16 AM 
i think i'm a little way too excited for this game. it's already out and knowing my sister, she got it already. i am so so excited to play it. i saw reviews and demo plays and they look good. though alot of RE fans are disappointed with it. it's probably because of the action they put into the game. but me, i'm a fan of action games so that makes me more excited. the demo play looked crazy but in a good way. i already know i'm going to get scared lol. funny thing with me is, i kind of like horror games but I HATE HORROR MOVIES. as long as the game has no ghosts, i like them. i like the thrill i get when i'm cornered by lots of zombies. cuz shooting is the best part. yes i get scared ALOT, especially when i'm playing alone. you don't want to know the times i got nervous, jumped and screamed. i think when i play with my sister, i am less scared because she knows games so well. so i love playing with her. i don't know, i just love this game. thanks to my sister. when i was younger, i played the old ones with my dad. i was more tougher then LOL and now my sister got me into the series again because RE5 was really good. they also added Mercenaries which is my favorite part of the game. BUT DAMN RE & THEIR STUPID CHAINSAW ZOMBIE. why do they always have to put him in there. he's the most scariest thing in that series. executioner is scary too, but he doesn't give me as much chills as the chainsaw one does. :| which is weird, i know. but hearing the sound of his saw, YOU KNOW HE'S COMING. that scares me the most, plus when you play on  normal / hard / pro, he comes back alive o__o you will go up and get the key from him and there goes that chainsaw again lol. and RE6, upgraded him to a BOSS. so his chainsaw is huger. i'm scared lol.