Sunday, October 14, 2012 @ 11:18 PM 
but it's SO HARD. because girl keeps complaining about joon. "he's so naive. why do i always have to ask him to do things for me." and i guess kwanghee fed sunhwa & julien cooked for his wife. and she got jealous because joon didn't do anything like that for her. so she's "frustrated" ._. i understand she's mad, but she needs to get over it lol. she's older than him, so she should act like it. plus she gets angry so easily too.
alot of people like it, but i really don't lol. why couldn't he be paired up with someone i actually like. XD
my favorite couple is Julien and his wife. they are soooo funny & cute together. SunHwa & KwangHee are OKAY. they have their sweet moments since they are friends. but sometimes i get a little annoyed with SunHwa lol. but whatever.