Monday, October 15, 2012 @ 4:52 AM 
i'm in MAJOR Resident Evil mode. sorry if you have NO IDEA what i'm even talking about XD i need to rant so bad.
i've been researching and just reading stuff about RE .
so because i started playing RE again with RE5 a couple years ago, i actually liked the new character Sheva. and i was hoping they were going to put her into RE6. but sadly she's not. and i was reading this forum about how people feel about her and if they wanted her back. and almost everyone hated her and called her a useless character. and they're pissed at the fact that she got to kill Wesker and not Jill. they think Sheva doesn't deserve to kill him and Jill did. but Sheva had every right to kill him because he killed her parents. just because Jill has been fighting and wanting to kill Wesker all these years, doesn't make her any better. her fault on not getting to him sooner. everyone thought she died & she was actually captured by Wesker lol. and thanks to Sheva & Chris of course, she got set free. Sheva was added because for one, Capcom wanted to prove that they weren't racist so they had it based in Africa. And Chris needed someone to guide him around which is why she was put as his partner. She didn't "replace" Jill. She helped Chris to find Jill. how could Jill even be his partner when she went missing? and she's just not there just because. like i said, Wesker killed her parents. of course she wants revenge. i would too. I enjoyed playing as her. I actually disliked playing as Chris because the way he held his gun. Sheva was more easier to control. but the only fault was she wasn't much help when you were playing solo player. she was a bit stupid but that's Capcom's fault at the computer playing.
i like Jill. she's a good female character, but i like Sheva too.
but i think people are going way too overboard with saying Ashley was a better character than her. what the fuck no. Ashley was the most annoying and useless character in my opinion. yeah she was the president's daughter & you had to save her. but the point of dragging her around through out the whole game was annoying. atleast Sheva will kill and assist you. Ashley didn't do ANYTHING but duck, hide and scream :|
i wish they had put Sheva in atleast the Mercenaries part of the game. but they didn't. i'm hoping for her comeback in RE7. so for now, i guess I will play Leon XD
PLUS  i wish they brought back Josh. who was Sheva's friend and mentor. he was pretty cool too T_T