Sunday, October 21, 2012 @ 11:56 PM 
Steve & Claire are like OTP right there. but damnit, why did they "kill" him off. that was the saddest part of the whole game series. he was a new character and young. he & claire grew a bond together, but at the end he got infected with the veronica virus. and he turned into a monster & was ordered to kill Claire ): but as he was going to kill her, his conscious came back and realized it was her and instead he saved her from Alexia who was trying to kill Claire too. as he stabbed Alexia she stabbed him back, right in the stomach. and right before he died, he turned back to human form and told Claire... that he kept his promise (he promised her he'd protect her next time...which he did) & that... HE LOVED HER D: lasdlakjd. WHY DO THIS TO ME ): yeah he was kind of annoying with all his talking in Dark Side Chronicles, but no D: he had a charm to him. i didn't cry when i played it, but i did just watching cutscenes. maybe because i'm more into the game now XD
and now i am getting pissed off again. because people are set in mind that Jake (new character in RE), who is Wesker's son, is supposedly Steve. cuz after Steve "died", Wesker took his body to get samples of the Veronica Virus. which is true. Wesker even told Claire that he would revive Steve so they can be reunited. so now people are saying that Wesker woken Steve again but as Jake. since apparently Jake looks like an older Steve? I DON'T SEE IT? Plus Jake has his own story. there is no way it's possible. he lived 19 years of his life. and remembers everything. I DON'T APPROVE OF THIS RUMOR. Because Jake has a thing with Sherry, which I love. (ironically, both of their parents were bad and worked together XD) Steve belongs to Claire only. just no. don't ruin that for me. please. if he comes back, i want his first encounter to be with Claire. maybe RE7....