Friday, October 19, 2012 @ 8:37 AM 
wonbin leaving ft island. the rumors for one were just horrible. and two, it was quite depressing to see him leave. his last performance with them was them crying and not even being able to sing the song. i've always seen wonbin as a quiet genuine guy. he wasn't my favorite member, but i've always been attached to him. i want the best for him and i feel like he's been over shadowed. he's come out with some solo songs but people don't even know it. it's like he's not getting what he deserves and wanted. i also wish new fans would get to know him and support him too. i think seunghyun is a great guy & great add on to ft island. couldn't have found any one better, but i still feel idk, ft island's missing that something...someone. watching his last performance always gets to me and makes me cry. no matter how many years it's been. i don't even know why i watch that performance.... something that i will never let go.
jay's leaving is a bit different to me. yeah it changed alot and all that, but i grew to get over this one. because i feel like jay's better off on his own. yeah i miss him with 2pm... but only when i listen to their old songs & old shows. but jay's got what he deserves. he's already shining on his own and he so much in store for him. but wonbin on the other hand, doesn't have that. i still listen to new ft island songs thinking, "what if wonbin was still in it..." i feel as if he's better in ft island. i've been thinking alot about this lately... what is wonbin doing? he's so talented. why isn't he shining? maybe the scar will disappear when he gets to shine?... it's already been 3 years.