Thursday, October 11, 2012 @ 10:51 AM 
SiWan finally called RyuJin "father" in Stand By. these whole 113 episodes he called him "ahjussi". i think SiWan was a little scared to call him father. long story about their relationship. basically RyuJin loved SiWan's mom. they were going to get married, but on the wedding day, his mom dies in an accident. so SiWan was left out on the streets alone and RyuJin didn't like that. so with curves and bumps along the way, RyuJin convinced SiWan to live with him, KiWoo (RyuJin's younger bro) & RyuJin's father. (siwan was against his mom marrying him. another long story. not going to get into that XD) but right before he left to america for Ivy League school (the last episode T^T), he asked RyuJin if he could call him father and that's the one thing RyuJin ever wanted. omg that part hit me so hard. so touching, i cried. gosh this drama and it's soft spots. it's so funny but at the same time they put in these sad parts. i'm sad that it's over. I'm going to miss RyuJin & SiWan relationship. i was going to do a review on the drama, but it's going to end up way too long. this is my short version lol. let's just say, it was a good show. great characters. hilarious but sad times. i'm tempted to watch it again... lol. but yeah upset with the ending a bit because i never really got my KiWoo + SooHyun couple. they get together AT THE LAST MINUTE OF THE DRAMA. literally. the ending was rushed though because it was suppose to be originally 120. but it's okay, pretty decent ending for the rush.
i'm going to sulk in the corner now. trying to get over the fact that it's over.