Thursday, October 18, 2012 @ 8:47 AM 
i think the urge of wanting me to play Resident Evil & i obviuosly can't since i'm in korea has resulted me in watching Resident Evil stuff. i never did this before. i never was this in love with the game this much and it's characters. i just watched Resident Evil Degeneration & Resident Evil Damnation the other day, which is their animated movies. both based on Leon who is my favorite character now because of those movies. i didn't really pay attention to him even though i was stuck playing as him in RE4. which i have to finish when i get home. now that he's become my favorite character, it'll be good. and i'm also watching the cut scenes from RE6. i want to play that so bad.... i can't wait to go back so i can play it with my sis. when i was home in america, i never really looked into RE stuff. yeah i loved playing the game. but that was it. i only knew A SMALL amount of history of the game. from memory of playing RE2 and from what my sister told me. also i learned some from playing the ones i owned plus playing RE5 with my sister.
sorry guys... you're stuck reading all this crap because i have this problem.