Monday, October 15, 2012 @ 10:46 PM 
finally getting around to posting this. XD just posting it here since i am way too lazy to log out of my one tumblr account & sign in the other.

it was pretty fun. though the ride there & ride home was just ugh .___. idk how many times i almost fell since i don't have good ballance. XD stupid public bus.
but yes everland. the only thing is i didn't ride any rides. which is kind of like 'wow it's an amusement park. that's what your suppose to do' lol. but sadly the day before i got REALLY dizzy. from what? i don't even know. i just remember waking up, barely could walk cuz i felt so dizzy. so i spent the friday in bed. i could have just stayed home saturday but going to everland is kind of a rare thing so i just sucked it up. i felt a bit better in the morning but i felt like i couldn't consume anything in my system. i tried drinking hot choco & donut for breakfast, but i felt so stuffed to where i wanted to...throw it up. i know tmi sorry XD the whole day, my mouth was dried out no matter how much a drank something. i only ate the donut, then three chicken strips & fries the whole day. i was about to go on one ride, but once we got up further in the line, we find out there is 3 loops. i was standing there, kind of freaking out thinking that there is no way i can handle three loops. i have motion sickness to begin with (though i had my ear patch which 90% protects it.) but i felt like my body wouldn't have handled it well especially with what's going on. and i didn't want it to ruin my day. so i decided to back out of the line and hung out with Priscilla, Kathy & Natalie which we ended up riding the Merry-go-round. where Kathy was having a little too much fun on it XD anyways LUCKILY i didn't go on that rollercoaster. because pabu & them felt a bit sick after and they don't even have motion sickness. and pabu told me my cartilage earring would have hurt too cuz his ears hit the side alot. /phew. good choice i made lol.
when we went into the shops, we had to get souvenirs just for the heck of it. i ended up getting cat ears (turned out to be the same one my husband JOON got XD), cat key chain (yes... i like cats), sunglasses (which i've been wanting and found some I LOVE <3) and matching phone charm with pabu. it's kind of a weird phone charm o.o but he was like "GET IT."
OH OH AND THE PARADE. so i didn't notice this until Pabu pointed it out but he was like "that one guy looks like a young Joon." and he pointed to one of the parade people (which all the guys were wearing fairy dresses and tights orz) and the guy did look like joon :o though joon is alot more handsome XD
Horror Night in Horror Village was amazing. the ghosts they had were just wow. the female ones were sooo pretty. they were all quite entertaining and funny but at the same time creepy. though the one that looked like Jack Sparrow kind of freaked me out o_o idk, i got a bit paranoid with them after a while. since they kept creepin on people. the sad part of the whole day was when we went to the Horror Maze, it was all sold out D: like no. that was what we anticipated the whole night. we even tried to bribe them telling them this is our only chance. but they wouldn't allow it. sigh. though i was really scared for it, i was kind of anticipating it...i wanted just to see if it really was like the commercials XD
after that we split up for a while. one was to go to T Express while the other go do whatever. while Pabu, Jen & Jasmine wanted to go to T Express ride, Natalie & Kathy wanted to go to the ball shoot. and i was stuck in the middle. literally. Pabu wanted me to ride with them (though i was way too scared too.) while Natallie & Kathy wanted me to go with them and then natalie came up with this excuse was all "SHE'S OUR ONLY COMMUNICATION SOURCE". so i was saved from not going on the ride XD but they didn't even end up going on the ride orz lol. i think me, kathy & natalie though had a bit too much fun in that ball shoot out game. we were like the only "older" ones in there that weren't parents LOL.  but it was an overall a good day. i def think that Everland is so much better than Lotte World.