Sunday, December 18, 2011 @ 12:35 PM 
this is the third time i've dreamt of hyuksoo this week and he's been a vampire....i don't get it. are they telling me something? i am not even joking and i find it weird. really weird.
the one i had last night was strange. i was at my church with a bunch of other people like hyuksoo, these two mean guys (idr who they were), g.o, kwanghee, seungho & kang mireu. and it was just us and no one else. and we were upstairs in the youth group room. i barely knew any of them. so we started like running around chasing each other, well the two mean guys went crazy. and turns out they were vampires & were on a blood crave. so they bit the other four guys & they turned into vampires. and all of them were after me because i ran down stairs, freaking out. and i got stuck in a corner. well then HyukSoo came out of nowhere and stood in front of me. i was like "what the hell are doing? O_O" & he just stood there, facing them.
them: what are you doing dude? move.
hyuksoo: no.
them: are you trying to keep the blood to yourself? MOVE.
hyuksoo: no. i'm not going to let you guys do that to some innocent girl.
them: whatever. we'll be upstairs.
that's when i realized he was one too. so i tried to runaway but he grabbed my arm. and he told me it was not safe but i couldn't trust him.
hyuksoo: just stay in the corner and i'll make sure they don't get to you.
me: why are you doing this? i don't even know you.
hyuksoo: just because.
so i just sat down on the floor while he just stood there. and then the adults were having a party/fellowship down the hall in the cafeteria (which my parents were there). but they couldn't hear anything because they were playing music. & later kang mireu came down and told hyuksoo to come up because they were having a party and he was missing out. but he refused. but i told him "it's okay. i think i will be fine..." and all the guys will be upstairs so there was nothing to worry about. so he gave in and went upstairs. so i decided that i should try and escape. i got up from the ground and started walking towards the hallway but then one of mean guys stood in my way. i didn't know what to do so i kind of freaked out and when i ran the other way, some grabbed me. i freaked out but then realized it was HyukSoo. then I didn't even know if I should be scared or not. I didn't know what he was going to do. but he shoved me, behind him and told the guy to just drop it while the guy was glaring at me. so then after a while, he left. and hyuksoo was like "i told you." and i just shrugged. he walked me down the hallway because my parents were done with the fellowship thing. he stopped a couple feet in front of the doorway and told me to go on ahead. i just awkwardly smiled at him and ran to my parents. when i was standing by them, waiting for them to get done talking with people. i glanced towards hyuksoo, and he was still there. idek why. i was guessing he was making sure i was okay? but idk. so i just bowed as a 'thankyou.' so he did the same as a 'yw'.  and then when me and my parents walked out the other door, to outside to go to the car, hyuksoo was already outside with kang mireu. and they were walking to their car and hyuksoo, kept looking at me as if he was trying to tell me something. but i had no idea what. and my dad was like 'who was that?' but i told him it was no one. and when i got home, i went to my room and i was so paranoid. i kept thinking they were going to come after me. but then my dream ended there.