Friday, December 16, 2011 @ 11:18 PM 
i was at my grandma's house in korea & Aika was there. So i was like "you want to go to dongdaemun?" since it's my favorite shopping center. so once we get there, some how hyuksoo, kang mireu & hong jong hyun is with us. they were vampires like in Vampire Idol. & i was so excited, as soon as we got there me and aika just started looking around because it's HUGE and everywhere lol. well the boys were not even with us and started running around like maniacs grabbing these news papers and setting it on this table. then they gathered up and i walked up to them.
me: wth are you guys doing? don't you want to shop?
jonghyun: we're everywhere in the newspapers!
me: ....okay?
so i got mad and left. then all of a sudden my mom is with me. and she's like in a different section of the store and I heard hyuksoo talking to her. he was helping her find make up...(real life my mom don't wear make up lol). so i followed them and finally caught up with them. Us 3 were going up the escalator.
hyuksoo: i like the cologne you bought me.
me: cologne?
hyuksoo: the one in the orange / silver box.
me: ohh that one. you do? My dad always wore that and it's my favorite.
and he just smiled at me. then we realized as we were walking on the escalator, we were on the wrong side getting no where. so we turned around and he fell down the stairs. and i freaked out and ran to him. But he just got right back up like it didn't hurt and i was so confused. but then i remember that he was a vampire. then we just followed my mom around and he had his arm around my shoulders smiling.
hyuksoo: you know, everyone wants us to get married now.
me: o__o
hyuksoo: haha...idk if we are ready?
me: idk are we?
hyuksoo: i wonder when they're getting married. -turns around to aika & kang mireu-
kangmireu started freaking out and going "WHAT? Are you talking about me!? What did you say? HUH?"
and that's where my dream ended.