Sunday, December 4, 2011 @ 3:44 PM 
yeah so i think you all know I'm rootin for Lisa for ANTM All Stars. and I posted her new MV Soldier on tumblr because i loove it. and Lisa reblogged it from me on her tumblr ;____; alsjdlkasjd first time a celeb has ever did that lol. i had a fangirl moment. :) I really hope she wins but alot of people are saying Angelea does...which pisses me off. she's not a good spokes model. she has to calm her self down before anything. she's always calling other girls bitches but honestly the way she acts, she sure seems like one herself. she needs to clean that mouth of hers lol. she can't take critique well. she's not emotionally ready. gawd i don't even know why she's still there. it should have been Dominique in her spot, not her. & I can't believe they sent Laura home. BUNCH OF CRAP. Lisa, please win ;____; i'm honestly a fan of her now. All those who hate Lisa, whatever. You all just hating and you can't see what a genuine person she is.
anyways you guys should check her video & song out. it's really nice. and the story behind it is very touching and sad. she said it was rough point in her life and she wrote the lyrics like 4 years ago and finally got it out.