Wednesday, December 7, 2011 @ 7:06 PM 
first of all, woah idek what happened with Angelea...she didn't do too bad i guess at the runway but is it mean of me to say that I was glad that she got disqualified? Anyways, I am very happy that Lisa won. My reaction when they should her as the final clip was ":O NO WAY YESSS." and my mouth was literally open. Finally someone I wanted to win, wins. Just watching her grow into a better person and get stronger, made me root for her and become her fan. Honestly, cycle 5, she was a total mess and at that time, i disliked her. But that was because I didn't know anything about what she went through in life. She didn't talk much about it until lately. Now I understand why she was like that, and I feel bad for that. She gives hopes to many girls out there who's been abused as a child. Proud of you Lisa for making it through. Also proud of you pulling it together this cycle and not doing things you would have done long time ago. You deserve it and hopefully you won't let no one tell you other wise. YEAHHH La Puchinetta OH lol.