Thursday, December 8, 2011 @ 5:34 PM 
i want it just as much as i want to be in the music industry. is there something wrong for wanting two dreams? either one, i would be happy with. but for fashion industry, i want to be a model. but i have so much working against me, it sucks. i'm short, not your typical "skinny" girl that the model world wants. they say it's hard for asian girls to get into the industry, especially world wide modeling. even on ANTM, only TWO asian girls got in. only one made it far and made a name for her, which i look up to Sheena.
anyways, i know not every designer discriminates against those things....but it's rare to find someone who would accept them. especially when I'm only 5'1". i think i could only do beauty and i don't want to. i want to do editorial / high fashion. i want to be on the runways. i don't think i fit commercial or beauty. well in my opinion. i'm not your typical pretty girl where people go "wow you should be a model" or you awkward, interesting girl the designers would die for. i'm just me. a mixed asian/american/european girl that has a weird edge to me. i wish there was someone in the fashion industry that could accept me for me! but that's probably one in a million chance.  i know i sound negative but i'm just being realistic...