Thursday, November 24, 2011 @ 2:43 PM 
and have i changed so much. it was to the point where i would never wear make up, but now i love make up. never spent the time to do my hair, now i love doing my hair. well doing anyone's in general :) i HATED skirts and dresses, now i own alot and love them. never thought about buying one pair of heels, now i own a few. where i thought i dressed cool, but i look back and just embarrassed with myself lol. now, I am happy with who I am and the woman I've become. The only bad thing is, i love clothes & all that stuff too much where I spend too much money sometimes. But I guess it's all worth it. I have friends who are like "proud" of my change. haha they were a pretty big influence on me, but i'm thankful for that. kwonjiyong is also a hugeee influence as well. thankful for everyone who influenced me to be the person I am today. I can actually now be happy with who I am and it makes me more open. I can express just by what I wear, which makes me feel good.
just thankful in general :)