Saturday, October 19, 2013 @ 10:14 AM 
there is so many people that inspire me in so many ways. but, to me, there is one person that has hugely influenced my life in general. Kwon Ji Yong. I've wrote countless times on how he is my hugest inspiration, but I feel like dedicating a post to him. How he really changed me in good ways. I think I am a person, now, who doesn't really care about what people think about me. I do think "oh I bet this person is judging me" or something like that, but I could really careless if they were or not. I get stared down because of the way I dress but I like to flaunt it off even more lol. But I use to be the girl that would break down when someone would try to tear me down. I use to get anonymous hate on the internet, and it secretly hurt me inside. I am now someone who is also not afraid to express myself, especially through the way I dress. I use to never care about fashion and never care about the way I dressed nor put effort into it. But it's now literally apart of who I am. I've always had a passion for music, ever since I was little. I grew up in an artistic influential environment, but now I strive to do more with music. This all because of him. Some people may see him as a bad influence on people, but to me he was such a good influence. I am more confident with myself and not afraid to go out of the box when expressing myself. I'm not afraid at all to express who I am. I don't let petty people tear me down, and I never will again. His love and passion for music just inspires me even more. I got into rapping mostly because of him. I just found a more artistic part of myself I never knew I had in me. I feel more free now. For 6 years, he's influenced me. 6 years I will never take back and 6 years I am extremely thankful for. I am so thankful towards him even if he doesn't know it. Because without him, I always wonder what kind of person would I be today. I don't consider him my bias anymore. He's more to me than that and I will always admire him and support him. He's an extraordinary person with amazing talent. As I get older, I definitely will never forget him. Even to the day I die. He will be the one Artist I will definitely tell my kids about.