Sunday, October 27, 2013 @ 7:22 PM 
For once, I wish YG would have kept his words.
We all knew YG wasn't going to kick out the losing team. If you didn't know that, then obviously you don't know YG. I am upset with the fact that YG clearly said "WINNER will release 4 songs on October 28." But all of a sudden he posted "Team A will release 2 and Team B will release 2."
I feel like YG and .... YG family has not acknowledged the WINNER. They never welcomed WINNER to their family when normally they welcome their new family members. What was the whole point in having the show "WIN" if in the end he is going to do this? He is going to debut Team B soon as well. The point in a competition is there is a WINNER and their is a loser. I did feel bad for Team B only because they were crying. They all wanted it. But I am more ecstatic that Team A is the WINNER. I truly sincerely think they deserved it. Team B has the strive, but they're not quite ready for this in my opinion. Honestly, YG is too biased towards them. That's the problem.
I am disappointed.