Wednesday, September 4, 2013 @ 8:03 PM
just to update my blog a bit. just typical things. not rather fashion & make up. since i haven't bought anything new lately. anyways.
Favorite Movie: Secretly Greatly hands down. probably my favorite korean movie of all time. it was just that good.
Favorite Song: I'd have to say Seungri's I Gotta Talk To You. that has been on repeat so many times. he did a job well done with this song.
Favorite TV Show: Real Men. has been since a few months now.
Favorite Book: ..... I am still reading World War Z... lol. so, this book. though this book is off & on with me. I will tell my whole opinion on the book when I'm done reading it.
Favorite Drink: (well other than coke) Taro Bubble Tea.
Favorite Food: well i guess it was Toast with Nutella.
i guess that's about it. nothing too exciting. i can't wait till Friday! Riddick 3 will be coming out to theatres and I have been waiting forever ♥ not only is the Riddick series really good, but you can't go wrong with a Vin Diesel movie either.