Friday, August 23, 2013 @ 12:30 AM 
Is such a great movie. Good laughs, good action and good cries.
This has spoilers... so if you haven't watched it yet and is going to, I strongly suggest not reading this.
This movie just proves yet again how great an actor Kim Soo Hyun is and always reminds me why he is my favorite actor. His character is secretly a North Korean spy who is undercover as a "babo" named Dong Gu. His character atfirst is hilarious and he really did such an amazing job as a "babo". I could not stop laughing at parts. But once he found out his real mother had died, he went completely 180 to who he really was. He wanted revenge and he felt betrayed by North Korea. His General to be exact. On his last moments, he found out his "mother", the lady who found him on the streets, took him in and took care of him, had gave all her savings to him. And he cried and yelled out that he wanted to go back to being the idiot who knew nothing. Because he was truly happy with that life rather than his real one. And his best friend, KiWoong, saved his life by pushing their General over the rooftop edge with him as the bomb in his hand blew up. HyunWoo came and protected SooHyun, who is younger than him, and got shot so many times. So SooHyun got up and held HyunWoo to protect him. Instead of suffering from bullet shots, knowing they were going to die anyway, he let them both go over the edge and die that way. It was yet another sad ending. This movie was so good on so many levels. I think it might be my ultimate favorite korean movie. I would watch it again, but I know that I might cry again.
Anyways, I am anticipating SooHyun's next drama. He always does great work and has a good personality.