Thursday, August 8, 2013 @ 3:46 PM 

it's always amusing to watch HyungShik on shows. he talks with so much energy and always seems so excited. even on Real Men, he does so well. he's so refreshing to see and it's great to see our HyungShik grow up into such a great man. I remember when he was so shy and quiet on shows. He was the awkward (still awkward XD) adorable teenager that no one really paid attention to on shows. But now he's shining through variety and getting the recognition he deserves.
and it's all HUGE OWE to JangHyuk. he helped HyungShik out alot through Real Men and even on the day they had to write a letter to one person in the room, JangHyuk wrote his to HyungShik, saying he knows that one day HyungShik will be a "Real Man." and has alot of faith in him. he is such an amazing man. his wife & kids are so lucky to have a father and husband like him. JangHyuk is such a kind and wise man, always willing to help and advice his hoobaes. he is a man well worth the respect. not only to HyungShik, but he has also helped HyukSoo out as well.