Friday, August 9, 2013 @ 12:18 AM 

I always appreciate and love what ZE:A brings now. They always seem to be different and i like that. I am learning to just accept the fact that parts will not always be equal. They are always going to give more singing parts to main vocals and who they feel fits more. Thats like when GD gave no parts to Seungri for Bingle Bingle, and just because he is not in it doesn't make it a bad song. Just like MBLAQ, Joon doesn't get much parts but their songs are still great. 
I am glad they kind of gave the spotlight to HyungShik this time. The song for once was not half DongJun. It is just 3 min trying to fit 9 guys. If i really would be concerned of "equalness" then i would be for TaeHun, Junyoung, Minwoo & Heechul. These 4 are a talented bunch. Its not just because they have little parts but also they don't get to shine at all. Kevin has his multi talents & funny guy persona, DJ has everything, Siwan has dramas, Kwanghee has varieties, HyungShik has Real Men & dramas. The rest gets overshadowed. But i am set to believe they will all have their time. And the fact that they are happy anyways and in the end, all that the 9 of them care about is them as a whole. OT9. Which makes me feel thats how it should be. I am proud of them. And even if Ghost Of Wind does not top charts, they will be number one in my heart ♥ (so cheesy lol)