Wednesday, October 24, 2012 @ 4:04 AM 
she is giving us the silent treatment. it's quite scary. all of a sudden she wouldn't even eat at the dinner table with us. and just stood in the kitchen eating. we knew right away she was mad... but over what? we don't even know. usually we know why we made her mad (she only got mad once) and this time we have no idea. we didn't even say anything to her other than "eat". my mom went up to her and asked her what's wrong but she ignored her completely. now she's sitting in my uncle's room in the dark because it seems like she doesn't want to sit with us in the same room. i am so confused. i don't like her like this. she's so stubborn that she won't even say anything. i even tried talking to her but she ignored me. it hurts too cuz i know we didn't do anything to hurt her feelings. we didn't do anything that would make her mad... but she's apparently mad. really mad.