Sunday, July 15, 2012 @ 12:08 AM 
so far away yet so close. it just seems like it's going by so slow haha i hate it. so i'm kind of debating if i want to hit up my church friends there or not. the thing is, i don't know if i'm going to go to my grandma's church this time. i'm thinking about going to my friend Kara's church this time. I went twice last time and i loved it. mainly because it's an english based church in kangnam. and their awesome. Not only is he Tim Hwang's brother. (tim is a korean singer) but he actually has a cool way of preaching. I don't know, I don't really get bored listening to his lessons. And Kara said she's going back to korea in the beginning of August since she's been home for a month now. and so I might go to church with her. She's been teaching english there for the longest time. I think since 2006 actually. Six years and she loves it so much. but yeah, maybe I will visit my other church friends see what they are up to haha. kind of miss them. but we'll see what goes.