Saturday, July 21, 2012 @ 7:01 PM 
i think it's already monsoon month in korea. according to Pabu it is. he said they had a typhoon the other day. that is one thing i do not miss about korea. last time i went, god the rain was horrible. it was actually august that was the worst. like you would be walking with your umbrella but still get soaked some how lol. it's basically kind of pointless to even carry one. but HALLELUJAH lol. i was afraid of it happening in august but it seems that i will be missing it. *knock on wood* lol. i know it will probably rain though but i think i will miss the big stuff. it's also really humid there too but it was like that last time, so i guess i will just get use to it ;__; 2 weeks and 3 days a way. it's getting close...