Sunday, August 4, 2013 @ 10:41 PM 

I am really getting annoyed with these so called "rappers" that the industry and their fans admire so much. Frankly speaking, more than half of them shouldn't even be rappers. They are basically "good looking" guys that can't sing or dance so they are given this role bcuz they can't do anything else. Examples: Key & Minho from SHINee. Yunho from DBSK. Taec from 2PM.
I am sure they worked hard as trainees but they should have atleast grown as artists and improved... idk. Even Heechul & Taehun from ZE:A still have a long way but they improved. Mir from MBLAQ has proved that can be done. He was one of those "can't sing" trainees so they put him as a rapper and he has improved greatly and worked extra hard so he can be considered a real rapper bcuz that is his dream. While others just ride on the fame instead.