Tuesday, July 3, 2012 @ 8:32 PM 
some girl on tumblr says that ZE:A relies too much on DongJun and that he'd be better of in another company. apparently he doesn't need 8 people weighing him down.
No. DongJun honestly, isn't the most talented ZE:A member. yeah he can sing and yeah he can dance. but there is other members that are better at singing than him and better at dancing than him. if we're talking about in both fields, Kevin is. I like DongJun. though there are times where I wish he was less cocky about himself. I still find him a warm hearted kid. But his voice in all honesty isn't the best. But also ZE:A wouldn't be ZE:A without him or any of the members. this is actually Star Empire's doing. The people who write their songs and splits their parts. I'm really frustrated with the point that in their title song, they gave half of the song to DongJun. this wouldn't really big deal to me if he didn't get to shine before, but he has. in most title songs. I think it's about time to give the spotlight to another member. He's had the spotlight way too long. I was actually quite surprised that Kevin had very little parts when they usually give him alot as a well. Yeah sure KwangHee had his spotlight in varieties & SiWan with dramas, but I'm talking about with their music.
In Heart For 2, luckily MinWoo got to shine. and he got to shine a little in Love Coach. But all other times? Mainly DongJun and Kevin. I just wish KwangHee would get a little more spotlight than he does, same with JunYoung & MinWoo. I'm happy they made Siwan the "male lead" in the MV.
I don't know, i love the song and everything. it's just that fact. and that people have to degrade the rest of ZE:A because of it.