Wednesday, July 4, 2012 @ 3:17 PM 
because my plans have went down hill. my plans were to get my check yesterday when i went to work, use tuesdays tips and pay off my car insurance of last month and then thursday's & friday's tips i was going to use towards gas to go and get deedee and bubbha so they can stay at my house for two weeks. but i didn't work yesterday because we closed at last notice. i didn't know until 2 hours before going into work. and we already had plan to close today. so i've been off work five days in a row with like a couple dollars in wallet. completely low on gas. so i decided that i can't go now to get them because i have to pay off insurance still. and i need to put some kind of gas into my car plus i have to buy a couple birthday presents. but i was thinking "oh maybe i can go next weekend" but i can't because i forgot i have to work. which i'm not complaining at all because I NEED MONEY lol. i only have 5 more weeks until i'm leaving. so i'm not even probably going to go down at all now. i will get to see them before i go though since i will spend the night before i go with them. i find it kind of  a waste of gas to go in 3 weeks when i am going to down anyways. i'm kind of hoping they come up to visit me atleast a couple days this month. i mean if they really want to spend time with me before i go. but if they don't then whatever lol.
it's not like i don't have money in the bank because i do, but that is completely stricted for using in korea only. i just don't have any extra money to spare the month either. i still have car payment & car insurance at the end of the month. i have a few things to get to get ready for korea. like stuff i need that i won't find in korea. since i'm particular with deoderants, pads, and other female things because I have certain types i like and i'm picky so i need to stack up on things lol.
but yeah only good thing is i'm leavingggg in 5 weeks lol. jijae gave me a list of beauty products to get her. like there has got to be like 10 things she wrote me so far OTL.