Sunday, February 19, 2012 @ 7:09 PM 
wha...what? i think my heart fell to the floor. though those were horrible things, but to hear that if it wasn't for them, Big Bang would have ended. It's horrible to say this...but I'm glad those happened in a way then. Not only because Big Bang would have disbanded, but also they grew and learned from their mistakes. Which makes them a better person. Makes them more grown up and more respected in my point of view. This must have been the Axis of Evil that JiYong was talking about.
But....I was not the fan to be mad or disappointed with JiYong when I heard his "drug" use. I'm more of an open person and learns to accept people no matter what mistakes they make. JiYong is a human being that just likes to explore. Being his fan for idk how many years now, I learned alot. I think out of all my biases, things were different and tougher with JiYong. He's gone through alot and I just learned over the years to just accept it and not judge. I can't turn my back on him over stupid things. The stupidest thing I got mad about made me realize how stupid I was. Get this, i don't know if you guys would remember this but for Haru Haru promotions, he once wore this shirt that had buttons on it and it said stuff like "i heart sex" & stuff like that. and being the young immature person i was back then i was all "what the heck, why would you wear that jiyong? what's wrong with you? that's bad." but then he explained himself over an interview and i realized i was stupid to be mad and ever since i just accepted everything. I'm not a person who cares for smoking because both my parents smoke and so I knew I was never going to smoke & still don't and never will lol. But when news came out with JiYong smoking...i didn't really like it but i didn't care. i wasn't surprised either lol. it wasn't going to make me like him any less. it's his choice so whatever. but then there are these stupid fans who were his so called awesome fans turn their back once they find out he smokes. oh & then they find out he drinks they are so surprised? i mean really? do you not know kwon jiyong? lol...idk i think fans can be pretty silly. I don't know how I got into talking about this now...
anyways, i think i won't be able to handle Healing Camp though I know I will watch it. I know I'm going to cry once or twice. I don't like seeing them being in a vulnerable situation or being upset in any way. or talking about hardships though it makes them more beautiful than they already are. I cried when JiYong was on Strong Heart giving his message to his mom because he cried. I cry way to easily because things get to me more. I watch a kids movie and I cry. idk whats wrong with me .___.