Thursday, February 16, 2012 @ 1:26 PM 
UMM...i think i like it alot. His hair is not that bad. it could be worse honestly. Kind of attracted to it xD but all day i was waiting for this and it's all i could think about at work. & it was killing me because I knew I had to wait until after work...BUT i swear my best friend can read my mind. She was on her droid....
JiJae: Yo come here and look at your GD.
Me: omg his photo came out?
JiJae: UH...omg what the...-starts laughing-
And in my head i was like omg he looks so good. and she just stood there and kept laughing ;___;
Me: Stop laughing at him .___.
Her: I'm sorry...I can't help's so...out there haha. That's your man.....
Me: Well you know that's jiyong. he's always out there.
Her: Yeahhh. It's okay. It's just for the promotions...don't worry he will cut it soon! atleast he can pull it off i guess.
And now that I'm's all i can stare at. I like it...alot huhu he looks so good i can't get over it. laksdjaljsd. What sad is....I don't think she likes TaeYang anymore. She was saying a while back that he changed too much. I think now she likes TOP & DaeSung...which is so weird to me. Cuz all these years, shes been the hugest taeyang fan ever. i mean we're the YBGD yo. sigh i don't know anymore.