Tuesday, February 14, 2012 @ 4:10 PM 
was just like any other day really lol. I woke up and worked and now i'm home. I bought chocolate for my coworkers. bought chocolate for my parents & coffee mugs. and it turns out my dad loves his because i bought him a big one and he loves his coffee haha :) my dad bought me pink roses <3 and then both my mom & dad bought me this Hello Kitty Valentines basket thing and it's so cute! especially the plushie and it had a picture frame in it too. oh and also a gigantic card haha. but i'm really thankful for them :)
i don't really care if i don't have a special some one to spend it with. it would be nice but not complaining at all.
anyways, i think Thursday me and JiJae are going to go see The Vow. i can't wait because it looks really good.