Sunday, February 19, 2012 @ 10:23 PM 
and does it really bother me? no. people probably think i have alot of friends but i don't. i have a few friends. and those few friends i cherish alot. i don't need a ton of friends to make me happy. i just need close people who i know i can fully trust in life. that's all that matters to me. that's why it really bothers me or tears me down if a friend were to betray me or lie to me. i feel like if they need to lie to me then you never really thought of a friend. or i think am i not a good enough friend for you to tell the truth to? though none have ever done that to me. and that is why i can trust them. i don't trust people that easily.
friends from the past, i tend not to forget about them but i don't really care if we're not friends anymore. we've all seperated because we grow up and change. but you know who are the greatest friends? the ones that grow up with you and no matter how much you change, they accept you no matter what. two people, katie & deedee, both saw me change into someone different and they have never once turned their backs on me. they accepted me for who i was. when i became more into my korean side, alot of my school friends turned away from me. jijae was the only one that didn't because she was just like me. and later deedee became open minded and now is the same as me. katie has just let me be me and doesn't care. though we have alot of different interests we're still like sisters. those are the greatest friends you could ask for, in my opinion.
and then there are the friends that you make because of your change, friends that you feel like you were met by fate. which i made a good amount of. and it's more amazing to have friends who live far away. though miles don't matter because you make the time to alteast keep up and talk. those are great friends too.
i wish i could do more for all my great friends. sometimes i wonder why they're friends with me, but it doesn't matter. because i should be thankful for them. 
lets just say i love you my friends. and know that i'm always here for you guys.