Monday, February 13, 2012 @ 7:17 PM 
will be my future son's name. though my mom said it's too long and sounds weird... she said JaeJoon is weird ): so she said i should just stick with Joon Alexander. I'm sorry mother that i don't like older like korean names. you don't even want to know what she was going to name me if i was a boy. TaePoong. NO...o___o
I like Joon Alexander too...but then his korean name will just be Joon.... & NO...he's not named after Joon. or JaeJoong. If he didn't want to use his middle name for his american name, he could just easily get by with Joon or Jae. so yeah...simple and i like it. Alexander is my dad's middle name and i've always liked that name. and I found out Aika likes the name Alexander too! Our sons are going to have the same name :)
I don't even know what my daughter's name is going to be though. haven't thought about that one yet.