Saturday, December 24, 2011 @ 8:35 PM
i really wasn't expecting much. they did not have to do what they did but they told me this. "you're twenty years old, and you're growing up. sooner or later, we won't be having this kind of christmas with you anymore and you will be on your own. we want you to enjoy it while it lasts." ;____;

they got me a pink & black hello kitty scarf from forever21 & also a hello kitty blanket/snuggie thingy haha. both i need and love so much!

hello kitty keyboard which i needed a new key board for my desktop computer. so this is wonderful. and the hello kitty watch that i really wanted ;___;

this is the best gift i ever had recieved. it's small because i am small & have small hands. and it's pink. i think i almost cried when i opened this. it's something i am so thankful for and something they didn't have to do but they did. & i also got a new desktop computer. my mom painted it pink for me and drew hello kitty on it. i needed a new computer (for my recordings / games / drama watching) and i was going to buy me one. they shouldn't have done this. it probably was not cheap ;___; i just i don't know, i am very thankful and i love them so much. i am also glad they love what i got them.
oh & my nephew, who is 9, is so adorable. i gave him money for xmas. and i don't get to hang out with him much. but he's such a sweet heart & a dork. he took out this small Pikachu plushie & was like "i didn't get you an xmas gift so i am giving you this!" it was so sweeeet! <3 i love him haha. we spent the whole day playing wii. mario & rabbids go home.