Sunday, December 25, 2011 @ 1:42 AM

these are my ideal guys. both of them put together = perfect. they set my standards so high that i am WAY too picky when it comes to guys. everyone around me knows how picky i am. it's probably bad but i can't help it. it's probably bad that i care about looks just as much as personality. though i would never go for a guy who is really handsome but his personality is ugly and boring. i want one who is beautiful inside and out. i want one who has good style. more on the chic or rock chic side. one that takes good care of himself. someone who has a good head on their shoulders. either one who is handsome but has a dorky personality & a sweetheart like Joon. or one who is differently beautiful but is genuine, sweet & down to earth like HyukSoo. whatever, i don't care. i'm not rushing myself. i am going to wait until i find the right one. i honestly don't care if OTHER people think i need to find someone. i will find him when it's the right time. i'm only twenty and i rather enjoy life like this while i can.