Friday, February 3, 2012 @ 8:08 PM 
is because...i've been hooked on one of my video games. I haven't played video games by myself in a long time. And I use to be obsessed with this one game called Tomb Raider since i was like 6 or 7. & I have 8 of them. well I played 1, 2, 3, Revelations & Chronicles with my dad and we finished all 5 together. It was actually our bonding thing. And then when I got Angel Of Darkness I had to play it on my own since my dad lost his thumb a long time ago so he can't play anymore. And I got stuck on Angel Of Darkness (well more likely got too scared and stopped) and I haven't played it since 2009 lol. and then my sister (who got into the game because of me) gave me her Legends & Anniversary, abt a year ago, for PS2 since she plays it on PS3 now. So now I'm back to wanting to play again so I restarted AOD and i'm working on trying to finish it. My parents actually help me because they like watching it and help me with the puzzles. I actually got passed the part I got stuck on so i'm proud haha. And after I finish this game, I want to get the other two done because my dad got me Underworld (the newest from 09) for the PC. and I played the demo and I love it. So that's what I've been doing on my free time. Yeah, I really don't think i'm going to get PS3...though it would be nice but it's not worth it because I only wanted it for two games (Underworld & RE5) but looks like I am getting both for PC so, not worth it.
Oh & also about Tomb Raider, they're having a new one coming out this December. And when my sister told me about it, I was excited cuz it sounded great but apparently they are going to retell & reboot the original story of Lara (the character you play). starting from her being 21 getting stranded on a deserted island after a ship wreck. and she's probably the only human being on theren as in there will be some other "things" on the island that are horrible. they changed everything about her. Her whole appearance looks nothing close to what she's suppose to be. face to toes. Her voice and accent is changed. She seems more weaker. Even though she's a younger Lara, in Revelations, she was just a teenager and she looked more adventerous and tough than this. And like I said, they're changing her original story. I'm not really liking this though the game plot sounds good. but it sounds like since everyone wanted another Tomb Raider, they ran out of ideas. They should have just started a new game series. Why ruin one good series by changing everything around? You can't even keep her to look the same. I know graffics have gotten better, but even in the last one, Underworld, graffics were amazing and she still looked like Lara Croft. I think her original story was really good. about her father's death to her mother's death. To her friend's death and the monstrum and everything. Ugh so disappointed.