Friday, February 3, 2012 @ 9:12 PM 
Vampire Idol is suppose to be a funny and laughable sitcom and it is! But I come to find myself getting teary eyed and sad and sometimes even cry with some parts. Actually it's moslty HyukSoo's parts. His character is so genuine and loyal to the Prince. He had a part time job (a dangerous one) to earn money just so he can buy things for the prince and make him happy. And the prince didn't realize how hard he was working and maybe took advantage of it? But HyukSoo didn't care and enjoys doing it and works even harder. As long as the prince is happy, so is HyukSoo. and there was just some parts that got to me. The prince would be like "oh buy us & Girls Girls some food" because the girls wanted it and HyukSoo would be like "Now?....Okay but it will have to be later." Because he ran out of money so he has to go work and get more. And then the part when WooBin had money but was selfish and kept it to himself just so he can buy popcorn. But then when he heard HyukSoo was working really hard for the prince, WooBin felt bad and cried. Gawd I really love this sitcom so much. I can't wait till they do their band. I want to hear HyukSoo sing so bad!