Friday, February 3, 2012 @ 4:06 PM 
they're saying Mir has bad parenting skills because when DaYoung didn't want to eat, he pushed her to the side. But I actually understood his intentions of doing it. It may have hurt her feelings but he was basically doing it because eventually she will see that she's left out and think "oh i do want to eat it." Everyone is brought up differently and taught different things and doesn't make it the wrong way. And the reason why Mir is acting like a kid, is to be in the kids' levels and learn from it. and also Joon with Leo....I know Leo is a boy and he's rough but he's not supposed to be hitting people in the faces and yelling at his dads "YA" which is disrespectful. If you just let your kid going around hitting people, that's bad. My nephew was like that and he was a mean kid for a while. Joon "yelled" at him because he doesn't believe in being spoiled and getting away with things. I actually like Joon's way of parenting and I think he makes a really great father. He knows how to play with kids well and cheer them up. (which is a plus for me haha xD). Actually all five members are doing really well as parents. Taking care of three kids around the same age is tough but they're pulling through good. I'm very surprised and proud of them. Sigh, A+ have been really horrible lately. Complaining and being disrespectful. It's a shame because A+ use to be a wonderful fandom. I had a feeling this was coming though because once A+ grew, it wasn't going to be the same anymore. Please just don't disappointed our boys and tear them up inside. They've gone through enough.