Tuesday, January 31, 2012 @ 4:07 PM 
mainly because deedee was up for 3 weeks and i don't really waste the time to blog or do much online because we're always watching dramas or something lol. and me & my mom just took her home this weekend. so i spent the weekend with my sister, deedee, bubbha & kadie. playing video games like always which is fun though. especially Resident Evil 5. I love that game. it was good weekend except when i came on saturday, it was snowing so bad so it took me forever to get to the mall because i had to go slow. i finally got to the mall, spent 3 hours there with my mom and deedee. got good stuff (which i will post later) then we went to my sister's. so that was a good 7 hours of driving for me. then i got some nerve damage or pulled something in my knee so there's a swollen bump there. but it's slowly going away. then yesterday i was suppose to be home but it snowed bad again so i had to stay an extra day & i thought something was wrong with my car because it was making a quiet thumping noise and it sounded like it was from my tires. UGH but when my brother in law went to check, it was okay and the sound stopped. so i don't know haha. i made it home fine though.
anyways, now I am tempted to get a PS3. but the only thing holding me back is "will i even play it alot?" i always say i will, but i end up not. just like with my wii. i only play it when company is over really lol. but i want it for Resident Evil 5, the new Tomb Raiders & Hot Shot Golf. and other games too. /sigh.