twice, actually. they have not send one respond to me until today. and you know what they said?
Just a friendly reminder that you have a pending help request with Viki Community Support. It's possible that we're just waiting on a little bit more information from you about your problem, so please be sure you have read our most recent reply to you, and that you have given us all the information we need to solve your um, how am I suppose to look over the last reply from you when you never even replied to me to begin with? you guys are such a disappointment, really. And all I asked was if they were going to upload Vampire Idol. JUST A YES OR A NO answer i was seeking. you don't need anymore information. Just answer yes or no. SIMPLE. I don't need their "we've been busy" bullcrap. it's been over a month. I pretty much let this slide and forgot about it until they finally emailed me today with nothing in help. I don't watch anything on there anymore.