Thursday, January 5, 2012 @ 6:19 PM 
Vampire Idol - probably the most entertaining drama i've ever watched. i was excited for it because HyukSoo, Hong JongHyun & Kim HyunJoong are in it. but then i underestimated it for a moment because of the teaser.  i thought it was going to be stupid funny but i was wrong. i mean in a way its stupid but it's so cute it kind of hides the stupid haha. Idk, it entertains me a whole lot. and i love the four vampires so much.

What's Up - in complete honesty, i like it but not extremely love it. the story line is okay but the actors / actresses are really good. But i enjoy it overall. i actually thought HyukSoo's character was gonna be a butthole, but turns out he's not. it's his stupid girlfriend or whatever the hell she is. she needs to go because she thinks she's the best and she's a witch. HyukSoo's character is actually sweet and deserves better! i want HyukSoo's character to end up with TaeYi...but i know that won't happen ): and DaeSung...he's funny in here. and his acting is actually really good. oh and the main...he is eh cute lol. BUT with his new hair cut, he's really cute. more goodlooking now haha.

Bachelor's Vegetable Store - i actually really like this drama. the story line is really great and not boring at all. Plus all the guys are so handsome. I actually started watching it because I saw that Kim Young Kwang (from White Christmas & ParkBom's Don't Cry MV) was in it.And he's so adorable in here liajdlkas and he's a bias of mine. but i also love that Wang JiHye is in it. I loved her from Protect The Boss. so yeah this drama is good so far. & The main guy is cute too haha.

Me Too Flower - i wasn't going to watch this because it didn't look interesting at first. But then...I saw a hilarious gif of KiKwang on tumblr, and i was like WHY NOT. So now i'm watching it, and i guess i like it. KiKwang is my favorite character, he cracks me up. But I'm kind of confused on why Lee Ji Ah has this "Pink Chicken" Poster...and it's kikwang. is his character like a singer in a cop's disguise?'s interesting lol.

i never watch this many dramas at once but it kind of keeps me occupied lol.
i just recently got done with Tree With Deep Roots (probably one of my favorite dramas now ;___;) & Fugitive Plan B. I know i'm late on the fugitive one, but i started it when it came out...but then i forgot cuz of other dramas so i never got back to it till now haha.
anyways. i don't watch dramas like crazy anymore like i use to. i won't watch just ANY drama now. it has to have someone i really like in it in order for me to watch now. but oh well if i miss the good ones. i'm good with the ones i watch :)