Tuesday, January 31, 2012 @ 10:39 PM 
especially happy for them. I literally had tears in my eye because of the joy that filled me up when M! Countdown announced this week's winner was MBLAQ. omg i swear i could have hugged them and squeezed them. A+ finally did it and got what our boys needed. i can tell they were so happy and thankful to us. I realized lately how some MBLAQ members underestimated A+. and I understand why they did and wouldn't blame them. especially with the way some fans have been acting lately. Mir, once again, deleted his twitter for a couple days and i might know why. though he covered it up pretty well, but i am upset and feel so bad for him. i hope this win brought up the members' moods because Joon seemed pretty depressed the other day with an interview. though, i am aware of his bipolar disorder, it still sad.
anyways, i gotta catch up on my sleep so i don't get headaches. i also need to go to work tomorrow. i missed two days already. I NEED MONEY.  so goodnight :)