Saturday, February 11, 2012 @ 7:32 PM 
which i thought couldn't be possible. but one time, me & deedee were looking through DBSK videos and i came across clumsy jaejoong ones and omg he's bad haha. he tripped 3 times in a row. i'm sorry but i'm not that bad. deedee was like "didn't know anyone could be clumsier than you but jaejoong beats you at that one." just think if we were just walking together on the streets and how embarrassing we would be xD because JiJae has been embarrassed numerous of times because of me. I remember we were in youngdeungpo underground shopping center and i tripped on the steps (it was like 3 steps?) and i fell completely landing on my knees and hands...OTL (yeah like that haha) and she just left me and walked away because she was so embarrassed D: and i get teased and made fun it of it for it too. my parents are always like "did you just get your feet yesterday?" and my boss at work will always be like "are you sure you can carry all those dishes? knowing you...." oh and my coworker, if she trips she'd be like "look, you gave me your disease haha." D: i can't help it... it's a given when people meet me that i trip over my own feet all the time. you'll learn that about me really fast.
and my proud moments are when i trip and i look around to see if no one saw. and if nobody did, i'm like YEAHH haha. it's rare though because some one always seems to see it. ):
jaejoong, atleast i know someone who is worse than me. it's okay. we can be clumsy together.